Two weeks ago, my Memorial Day weekend was not all about
BBQing. That weekend was about disconnecting all the ABS drains in my house, putting the
subfloor down around them, reconnecting the drains, and putting up a 6" partition. This took an absolute ton of work. My dad and I each worked about 33 hours that weekend getting all that done.
First, we had to disconnect the washing machine drain and supply lines. This meant that we could not use the kitchen drain upstairs either, but that didn't stop it from being used a couple of times! >:-( Anyhow, we got a section of that 3" drain but out and then we drilled a 4.5" hole in the OSB with a hole saw, and a similar hole in the foam. We got that piece of subfloor nailed down and we then began reassembling that drain. Here is a pic of that drain:

New Cleanout and Tee for Kitchen
and Washing Machine Drain
Once we got that done we began working on the downstairs bathroom sink drain and drain for the upstairs bathroom. Of course, we did the subfloor at the same time! Here are some pics of that process:

Getting Ready to do the Subfloor
for Bathroom Drains
Additionally, we ran into a problem with the venting because it was not easy to run the vent to the new washer drain. So we used an admittance valve and tied the old vent to the vent for the bathroom, with a slope of course! Here are some pics of that:

Tied Vents

Washing Machine Vent
Once we got the subfloor and drains constructed, we had to get the wall back up and all the drains in the wall. This is what we spent all day Monday doing. However, it was worth it, because this is what we ended up with: